USA prokurörid soovivad veelgi piirata FTX endise tegevjuhi Sam Bankman-Friedi Interneti-juurdepääsu

USA. New Yorgi lõunapiirkonna advokaat (SDNY), Damian Williams, ja justiitsministeerium (DOJ) taotlevad “kavandatud muudatused” endise FTX tegevjuhi kautsjonitingimustele, Sam Bankman-Fried. SDNY prokurör palub kohtul seda teha…

Türgi krüptoühing lubab blokeerida kauplejaid ohverdavad börsid

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, local media reported. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

Jim Cramer Says Avoid Crypto, Stick With Gold for ‘Real Hedge’ Against Inflation and Economic Chaos

Mad Money saatejuht, Jim Cramer, has advised investors to avoid crypto and stick with gold if theyseriously want a real hedge against inflation or economic chaos.He added that bitcoin is too volatile to use as a currency….

Nexo Bitcoin Withdrawals Surge Following Raid of Bulgarian Offices

After the offices of crypto lender Nexo were raided in Bulgaria, the digital currency lending platform experienced a significant amount of withdrawals starting Jan. 12, 2023. An archived snapshot of Nexos real-time attestation shows that the company held 133,263 bitcoin on

Binance ja avaldavad Global Auditor Mazars Groupi läbiviidud reservi tõendavad auditid

Sel nädalal esitasid kaks krüptovaluutabörsi reservide tõendit, et rõhutada, et kauplemisplatvormid toetavad klientide varasid 1:1. Binance avaldas oma aruande detsembris. 7, 2022, ja kirjeldas auditi läbi viinud ülemaailmset audiitorit Mazars Group. detsembril. 9,…

Aruanne viitab sellele, et FTX-i märgistatud aktsiad ei pruugi olla tagatud 1:1, Sünteetikat võidi kasutada tegelike aktsiahindade manipuleerimiseks

detsembril. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. Maikuus 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Krüptovahetuse bitfront lülitub tööstuse väljakutsete tõttu välja

Krüptovaluutabörs Bitfront on teatanud oma kavatsusest lähikuudel tegevus lõpetada, viidates tööstuse ees seisvatele väljakutsetele. USA. kauplemisplatvorm, mida toetab Jaapani sotsiaalmeediahiiglane Line, märkis, et otsus ei ole FTX-i kokkuvarisemisega seotud. Liinitoega…

Onchain Analysis Verifies the Number of BTC Held by Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust

After Grayscale Investments shared information concerning the companys product holdings, people questioned why the firm wouldnt share the public addresses associated with the crypto assets it holds. Kuid, novembril. 23, OXT researcher Ergo published a Twitter thread featuring onchain forensics

Kraken’s Jesse Powell Takes Aim at Newly Launched Proof-of-Reserve Lists, POR Audit ‘Requires Cryptographic Proof’

Teisipäeval, amid the many conversations concerning crypto exchange proof-of-reserves, Kraken executive Jesse Powell shared a screenshot of’s newly launched proof-of-reserves (POR) dashboard. Powell said he planned to be “more assertive with calling out problems,” and he stressed that a

Bitcoin Miners Face a Squeeze as BTC Production Cost Remains Well Above Spot Market Value

Bitcoin miners are dealing with lots of pressure following the recent difficulty adjustment increase on Nov. 20, 2022, and the leading crypto asset dropping further in value against the U.S. dollar following FTXs collapse. Statistics recorded this past weekend show that